Our view

Our view

Monday, November 16, 2015

First Day Home

My first day at home was filled with reorganizing and unpacking. I intentionally did not unpack my suitcase Saturday night because I knew I had to move the summer clothes to make room for the winter clothes because I had left Parrottsville on the second week of September when it was still warm and did not return until the third week of November when it is now cool and chilly.  The unpacking of the suitcase did not happen until mid afternoon because I had to move the clothes around.  Since space is limited and we now have a summer and winter wardrobe we have created space in the RV where we can exchange the clothes for easier access.  Tim had already shifted his clothes from summer to winter so it was my turn.  I took the opportunity to clean out drawers and the closet before I made the switch.  That took more time then I thought but it also gave me a little more storage for the summer and winter clothes.  The actual unpacking of  the suitcase very easy since everything in the suitcase was clean and had a spot to go and so it took me 10 minutes to unpack.  That was after 5 hours of reorganizing. Hmm, I guess in a way that means it took me 5 hours and 10 minutes to unpack; nah!
Lisa made a great welcoming home dinner for me, her famous meatloaf, which gave us an opportunity to get together and get all caught up.  George and Lisa graciously let me talk about my Mom and then we took turns sharing all the things that happened with me and them during my absence.  Thank you Lisa for the delicious dinner and the super yummy triple chocolate cupcakes for dessert and to Lisa and George for a nice evening.
I still have more things to do in the house now that I am home and when I am done with the house I will then be spending time reorganizing the Crafty Cottage especially since Pam is shipping me several boxes of stamping products and craft items that I had received or purchased during my time in California.  Thanks Pam for shipping me my new "toys" and other items to get creative with.
I also want to thank Tim for making the house so nice when I got home.  Oh yeah and to my boy Shadow who was so excited to see me and has pretty much not left my side since I have been home.  He is such a good dog.  It is good to be home!

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