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Our view

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Parrottsville Police Near The Farm

We saw some very unusual things yesterday while returning from our Costco run.  Tim, George, Lisa and I drove into Knoxville to shop at Costco and as we were driving onto Smelcer road we saw two Cocke County police vehicles parked on the side of the road.  This is weird because the police never are on this road.  In the past two plus years we have never seen a police car on this road.  Well of course that got our minds going but then everything was escalated when we drove past the known "drug house" and there was lots of activity going on.  We continued to drive and then the weirdest thing of all happened when we turned on Quail Way, our semi private road, and saw two people we have never seen before walking down the road.  Our road is so off the beaten path that even delivery drivers are afraid to drive it.  Anyway, that was just the icing on the cake that got us all a little suspicious that weird things were happening near the farm.  Of the three incidents we only have solved one of them.  The couple walking on our road were neighbors from way down the road.  Phew!  We still don't know if there was drug activity or a drug bust at the drug house we just know that the police was involved and we will have to wait until after the week end is over.  The next Newport Plain Talk, our local paper, won't be published until then.  Excitement on, or at least near, the farm!

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