There was excitement on a Sunday both here on the farm and about 25 miles away from the farm. We woke up to what we thought was fog over the mountains aka the Smoky Mountains but when we walked outside we could smell smoke really bad which meant there was a fire somewhere. At first we could not tell which direction the smoke was coming from but as the wind shifted it allowed us to see just where the fire was. It was a bush fire about 25 miles away on the Tennessee/North Carolina border but in Cocke county, our county. It started on Saturday night and continued to burn into last night, I do not have an update as to if it is still burning, but it smells like it is outside. Tim took a picture of the smoke from the fire and what it looked like from our deck.
We got to experience some more TMT (Tennessee Mountain Time) at the farm yesterday. The other day I shared what TMT was and how we learned about it and so yesterday when we were told the tow truck driver would be here in a little bit, that was after 5 days of waiting, we knew it would be a couple more hours or so and it was. While we were waiting George got the lawn cut, Tim weed eated behind the RV, I ate lunch and did laundry and Lisa started dinner prep for last night's meal. Thanks for dinner Lisa and George! So we were all productive during our wait so I guess you could say TMT worked to our advantage except for one thing; we were always listening and watching for the tow truck. It eventually got here, hooked up the dump truck and towed it away to get repaired.
Today we head south to Florida for a couple of weeks to help our kids, Jenny, Nate and our Rory, move into their brand new house that they had built for them. It will be a busy but exciting time!
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