Our view

Saturday, March 31, 2018
The Refrigerator Saga From A Far
As I mentioned yesterday, Tim and George took a road trip to Florida for two reasons. The first reason was for Tim to spend Easter with our kids and the second was to deliver a refrigerator to George & Lisa’s daughter Kaitlyn. The refrigerator was big and there is a story to tell as to how they delivered it. The refrigerator would not fit through the front door until George took the handles off the fridge and the front door off its hinges. Then once they got it into the house the real challenge began; getting the refrigerator into the kitchen. It was a simple task that took quite some time to accomplish. The handles are already off the door but that was not enough. The doors and the freezer drawer were also removed. Then the refrigerator was squeezed through the opening scraping paint off along the way. They eventually got the refrigerator in the kitchen and set up but it was a process. Good job guys!
Friday, March 30, 2018
They Made It To Florida!
Tim and George made it to Florida and, as far as I know, without any issues. The refrigerator they brought did not, however, want to go into the house and they had quite a time getting it in but more on that in a later blog once I hear the whole story. When Tim did get to our daughter’s house there was a certain little girl very happy to see him. He gave her the wooden bunny I made for and she loved it. Now Bumpa and Rory have the whole week end together. To say I am bot jealous would by a lie but to say I am happy for the two of them is the truth. Enjoy your visit together!
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Road Trip For Tim And George
Tim & George are headed south for the week end. They are pulling a trailer that has been loaded with a refrigerator that George is bringing his daughter Kaitlyn. The refrigerator is big and after loading it in a trailer only had an inch to spare. George and Lisa go big as the Easter bunny for Kaitlyn; hahaha. Tim will be celebrating Easter with our kids and granddaughter and will be both Bumpa and Gamma. He is also playing the Easter bunny for all! Safe travels Guys!
Meanwhile, back at the farm, Lisa is in charge and has an added fur baby to take care of. We left Shadow with Lisa so she has a full house with two dogs now and two cats. Thank Lisa for taking care of our Shadow!
Meanwhile, back at the farm, Lisa is in charge and has an added fur baby to take care of. We left Shadow with Lisa so she has a full house with two dogs now and two cats. Thank Lisa for taking care of our Shadow!
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Preparing The Garden
It almost that time again when the choices have been made what to grow, the seeds will be ordered and soon the planting of the garden will begin. Before the planting begins some work needs to be done on the beds. Tim and George went and picked up the horse manure and this year there will be one big bed used for planting while we let the four garden beds that have been used the last few years get a rest. The four beds will be treated and covered with plastic while the big bed will get added nutrients to the soil to help the crops grow...we hope! There will be the same challenges with animals and bugs competing with us to get the crops. Hopefully, we will win!
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Golf Season Has Begun
Tim and George played their first golf game in their league for the season. They both played okay for being their first time out this year. The morning started out a little cold but the sunshine warmed it up a bit by the end of their game. They were suppose to start last Thursday but with the snow it was cancelled. Tim got new Woods for Christmas and he likes them. In time and a little more play under their belts this will be a good golf season for both!
Monday, March 26, 2018
Roxie Is Getting A Fence
Roxie is George and Lisa’s dog that found them a couple of years ago. She just wandered up the road to George and Lisa’s house and that was that. She became their dog and she is a good one! She only has one small issue: she likes to visit the neighbors house when she is not on her leash or lead. We would all love it if she could wander the farm like Shadow but she goes for a visit but won’t return when called. So, Roxie is getting a fenced in area, a huge one, so she can run around with having to be leashed. Look for more updates on the fence as it continues to grow!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Decorated For Easter
The mail boxes and entrance to Quail Way have been decorated and are ready for Easter. Linda, one of the neighbors on Quail Way decorated the mail boxes with bunny ears and it looks so cute. She also put some eggs at the post of each box. It looks great. One the entrance to Quail Way is a couple of bunny signs. The decorations are great and Linda did a nice job. Way to go Linda!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
The Tractor That Tried To Retire
This little tractor/Lawnmower was purchased by George at a garage sale for a good price and knowing it was not working correctly. Tim and George spent some time looking it over and after fixing this and that something else would then break. It was as if this little tractor was saying okay you fixed that now let me break this. I think it wanted to retire BUT Tim and George would not go down in defeat and sure enough after a few weeks of working on it they fixed it and now Travis, George and Lisa’s son, has a riding lawnmower. Good job guys!
Friday, March 23, 2018
What Is It?
Let’s play a game, I am going to post a picture of an item George picked up at the scrap yard and first try to figure out what it is or was and second try to figure out what it is going to be. This is just for fun and to see what your imagination can dream up. Sorry no prize! This could be fun! Make your comments below. I will reveal what the item was and what it is intended to be! Let the guessing begin!
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Not At The Farm
I have flown the coop and I am in San Diego, CA helping out my sister and brother in law for a couple of weeks. It is not a pleasure trip but I am sure I will find some pleasure here. I will be away from the farm for a couple of months because when I leave here I will be going to Florida where I will be visiting my kids, Rory Gamma is coming, and help out Jenny with her big Pinterest show in Atlanta, GA. Until I return to the farm I will be also posting on my Travels With Ruth blog:
I will be relying on my three reporters at the farm to keep me informed of the happenings and maybe even contribute to the blog. By the way, I left with over an inch of snow on the ground and arrived last night to 65 degree weather. I think I like it here!
I will be relying on my three reporters at the farm to keep me informed of the happenings and maybe even contribute to the blog. By the way, I left with over an inch of snow on the ground and arrived last night to 65 degree weather. I think I like it here!
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Welcome Spring!?!
It is Spring and the first day of Spring was not too bad. It was cool, some sun, clouds then rain but over night we got something that is not very Springy...snow! Yup, we woke up to snow. It was predicted so it was not a surprise but as to how much snow we were going to get? That was a surprise. Normally I would not mind too much except that it is bowling day and later today I am flying to San Diego ( an unexpected trip). So Welcome Spring!?!
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Improvements Part 2
Another small project that was completed on the farm was new solar panels down in the orchard to get some electricity to the barn. Now George can go into the barn, flip a switch and have lights and maybe some music. This will allow him to be able to work in the barn more and not have to take things outdoors. The panels went up pretty well and it only took a day of George and Tim working on it.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Creating Sunlight
George and Tim have been busy down in the orchard creating sunlight. They have been busy cutting down some trees to bring more sunlight on the area the garden is going to be planted in. This year we are moving beds to one large one so that the four beds we have been using can be covered and treated for next year. To make the large bed, where we have planted corn the past two years, a better place to grow the crops more sunlight was needed so trees had to come down. In getting rid of some trees we are also hoping on maybe the raccoons will leave too. In taking down the trees some of the wood is for firewood and some will be sold to the nearby mill. Good job George and Tim.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Improvements Part One
I had mentioned in a previous blog of some of the smaller projects that had been completed on the farm and one was widening the road leading to the orchard. What was once about 8ft wide has now been doubled to make it easier to get bigger vehicles down to the orchard. To do so it meant getting rid of some more trees and digging an area to fill or flatten. The road then had gravel put on it and now it is just an extension of the road and has made it easier to get down to the orchard with any size vehicle.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I am wearing the green today since I do have wee bit of Irish blood and I will be listening to some Irish music on Pandora. Actually I have been listening to it all week long and for the most part it is very energetic music that makes you want to move around. It would make great exercise music since it does make you want to move around. Check it out sometime. The stories they tell in the music is good too. It has become one of my favorite stations. Today I will also have to watch one of my favorite movies “ The Quiet Man” since it is a St. Patty’s day tradition for me. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all!
Friday, March 16, 2018
A Natural Bridge
There is a Natural Bridge located not too far down the road us and for the past couple of years when we have tried to stop and see it we were never successful. The other day when it snowed we were running some errands and decided to stop and see it. The Natural Bridge is located right under a main road and is helping support the road Bridge. A natural bridge is when there is an opening in the bottom of a rock structure due to erosion usually by water. This particular Bridge is located in a thick part of some woods so it can only be seen in late fall, winter and early spring. It was a cool sight that we pass several times a week and only took us almost three years to see.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Turkey Breast In The Crock Pot
I purchased a 7 1/2 pound turkey breast the other day and I decided I wanted to find an easier way of cooking the turkey breast. I just did not want to roast the turkey in the oven and it was too big for my Instant Pot or Air Fryer so I decided to use my Crock Pot. It turned out great! I cleaned the turkey breast and placed it into crock pot after spraying the crock with cooking spray. I then brushed olive oil all over the breast and made up my own rub with seasonings I selected from my spice drawer. I rubbed the season mixture all over the turkey breast and added enough water until I had an inch of water on the bottom (about three cups). I covered and set the cooker on low for seven hours. That was it until seven hours later when we took the turkey breast out to rest and then carved it. The turkey was moist and delicious. We had a mini Thanksgiving meal in March.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
The Car Port Got A Facelift
We knew the car port tarp was going to need to be replaces due to some rips and tiers in the awning. Tim not only replaced the tarp but changed the color which has made a huge difference. We went from a dark grayish green to white. Not only did it lighten up the area but from a view it looks nice and kind of ties in with the RV. Tim and George put up the new tarp yesterday and did a great job. It looks great!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Crazy Weather
I know I have been writing a lot about the weather but it has been crazy. Yesterday we had snow all day until around 3:00 in the afternoon then the sun came out. The snow did not accumulate but had the ground been colder we probably would have 3 to 4 inches of snow. It was a very pretty snow at times and then a wet snow at other times. The mountains did get a lot of snow and when I woke up this morning we do have a dusting of snow on the deck. I know Spring is right around the corner but a bit of Winter just cannot give up. At least I have some pretty pictures!
Monday, March 12, 2018
Kind Of Quiet At The Farm
I know these past few weeks not much has been reported on the happenings at the farm but things have been happening. George and Lisa have been working in the Orchard pruning trees and preparing the beds for this year's crops. Tim and George have been working on several smaller projects from putting up new solar panels for the barn to driving the dump truck to pick up horse manure for the garden. I have been in the Crafty Cottage working on Door Prizes for my sister's SAS this month. I had received so many great stamp sets that I went a little overboard with the cards, all the details on them, that it is taking twice as long to complete but they should be good. The weather has not been a friend these past couple of weeks with rain and snow so bigger projects are a little on hold. However, with the golf cart working again I can go down and get some pictures of some of the smaller projects that have been completed in the orchard. Check back soon for pics!
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Love My Air Fryer
I love my air fryer and use it. It is amazing what a difference it is to cook not having to use a lot of oil. My latest favorite is pork chops cooked in the air fryer. It takes about 12 to 15 minutes and they come out with a crispy outside but juicy inside. It is my new favorite way to make pork chops. For seasoning all I use is salt, pepper and cavenders. Don't know what cavenders is! It is a great combo of seasonings that makes almost everything taste better. Hmmm, that may be another blog. Anyway, if you are on the fence about an air fryer just get one. They are worth every penny!
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Beauty And A Beast
With Spring almost here the Bradford Pear Trees are out in full bloom and beautiful. You can spot them from far away because of their beautiful white blossoms. They are very stunning especially when they are planted side by side in a row up a driveway for example. As soon as you see the white trees you know they are Bradford Pear Trees. Although they are beautiful they are also a beast. They originally came from China in 1964 by the Department of Agriculture and used as ornamental trees. They were thought to be sterile but found out they were not. The problems with Bradford Pear trees is that they have weak branches that can break and fall off, they choke out the natural trees and they smell bad. If not controlled they will take over and kill all the other trees. The good thing is they only last 20 to 25 years but during that time they can cause damage. There is even a certain procedure to follow in cutting them down and destroying them. They are Beauty and a Beast!
Friday, March 9, 2018
Mother Nature Is Confused
Mother Nature could not decide if we were to see snow or sun so because she could not decide she had it snow for 20 minutes then show some blue sky and sun for 20 minutes then have it snow again and that is what the weather was like all day yesterday in Eastern Tennessee. It did stay cold ranging between 32 to 36 degrees and I am guessing that was to turn on the snow on a whim. At times it was a whiteout with snow fall and other times the sun was bright and warm. It made for an interesting day. By the way, it seemed liked it was always snowing the hardest when I was outside but once inside it ceased. Hmmm, maybe Mother Nature is just playing with me!
Thursday, March 8, 2018
I Don't Want To Complain BUT...
It is cold outside and it looks it! Check out the pictures. We did get a dusting of snow and normally it would not bother me so much but when it was in the 80's just over a week ago this cold it not appreciated. I know the rest of the country, especially in the north it is cold and snowy too. We were warned by the weather people that it was going to turn cold in March and last night on the news the weather person even said "March is going to be cold". So far, they are right. Oh well, I have lots of work to do in the Crafty Cottage making four sets of Door Prizes for my sister's SAS this month along with creating some for her May SAS since I will be in Florida in April and May. I guess I will have lots of time to plan and create! Still, Brrr, it's cold!
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Summer Was Fun But Winter Is Back!
If someone had told me I would be wearing shorts and tshirt so in February here in Eastern Tennessee I would have laughed especially since the last few winters we have been here it was our snowiest month. We did have temperatures in the 80's for a couple of weeks. Then March moved in and although it started like a lamb it quickly changed into a lion. Winter has returned and will stick around for a little while but we know that it won't last long because Spring is only a couple weeks away. Looking forward to Spring!
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Making A Decorative Plate
I see that the Craft stores sell charchers all year long and now Dollar Tree also sells them. Not the greatest quality but for what I use them for it is a good price. Charchers are plates that go under dinner plates when a table is set. I have never used them but my mom use to. I am using them now as decorations. It started with Christmas plates then I made one for Valentines and now for St. Patrick's Day. It is a fun and easy way to decorate.
Monday, March 5, 2018
"The Shape Of Water"
"The Shape Of Water" is the big winner of the Oscars (the Academy Awards). This movie not only won Best Picture but also the most awards with 4 Oscars. The movie was nominated 13 times in the various categories. "Dunkirk" won three Oscars followed by "Blade Runner 2049 ", " Coco", "Darkesr Hour " and "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" all with 2 Oscars each.
The show itself was long and had a few good moments but in general was just a typical awards show. One bright spot was having Warren Beaty and Faye Dunaway present Best Picture and last year's flub when the wrong movie was announced. Overall, it was good. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. Now it is time to see a lot of the winning movies.
The show itself was long and had a few good moments but in general was just a typical awards show. One bright spot was having Warren Beaty and Faye Dunaway present Best Picture and last year's flub when the wrong movie was announced. Overall, it was good. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. Now it is time to see a lot of the winning movies.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
It's Oscars Night
I have always enjoyed watching the Oscars, the Academy Awards, because I do love the movies. I think that same love comes from watching them with my mom for years too. She loved movies like I do and so we always watched them together when we could. I have seen some of the movies that are nominated and there are several I still want to see. Tonight it will be interesting to see what movies and actors win and figure out which movies I really do want to see. Bring on the Oscars!
Saturday, March 3, 2018
The Greatest Bag Clip...Ever!
The greatest bag clip ever and it isn't a clip? I have purchased several different types of bag clips to keep things fresh but my sister sent me the greatest bag clip. It is actually a rod that you slip over the fold of a bag. It completely seals the bag to keep the contents fresh like they were just opened every time. The only drawback is there cannot be wrinkles in the bag. They come in four different sizes and you can get them on Amazon. I have not seen these in stores...yet! They name on the package of "clips" is Fancer and they are worth every penny. Thanks Pam for introducing them to me.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Game Night
We went and saw the movie "Game Night" and it was fun and cute. It had humor, mystery, a twist and lots of characters. If you want a fun movie to see where you can just relax for a couple of hours check out "Game Night" and if you use to have game nights you will especially enjoy this movie. We use to do game nights and I think I may have to start again because it is fun!
We had a busy day yesterday with a "Costco Run", dinner out and then a movie. A full but fun day!
We had a busy day yesterday with a "Costco Run", dinner out and then a movie. A full but fun day!
Thursday, March 1, 2018
I Have The Best Sister!
I know I am extremely blessed to have the best sister ever. Not only does she love me unconditionally but she also spoils me too! Without me even knowing she has sent me three packages in the past 14 days. The first one was some restaurant gift cards to use just because. The next package was vinyl for my Cricut, these really cool bag clips (which I will blog on soon) and a new accessory for my Instant Pot (yet another blog). Two days ago I received my third box from Stampin Up with some great items. Like I said, I have the best sister ever! Thank you Pam for both your love and support. Check out the goodies she sent from Stampin Up!
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