Our view

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
A New Car Port
We have a car port for our car and it took a little maneuvering to get it set up. You might remember seeing this same carport as a garage for a while with older pictures of the farm. George and Lisa used it for storage for a few years and once the pad was poured for their new garage the old one was moved to the orchard to store wood. Well the wood it stored is going to be used and George was ready to get rid of the garage and offered it to Tim. Now we have a carport for our car which will be nice to protect the car from the elements. Moving it from the orchard to our driveway was done with a trailer until it got to the top of the driveway. At that point George and Tim rolled it off the trailer and down the driveway where the three of us, George, Tim and I, picked it up and moved it to it's new location. In adding the carport Tim has lost a view out his side window and I have a bit of an obstructed view but we have a car port! Good job guys!
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Re-stringing A Window Shade
In the RV there are special window shades on all the windows that allow three different lighting effects. The first is to have it completely open, the second it so have the day shade down that lets light in but still gives you privacy and the third is a night shade can be drawn that blocks out almost all the light and allows for complete privacy, day or night. We had two window shades that broke and we just lived with them by rigging them to simply open and close. Tim found a video on how to restring the shades to work again. After buying the materials needed, cord and a large needle, I practiced by fixing the smaller shade from the bedroom and it was easy; thanks to the video. Thank you RV with Tito (rvwithtito.com) for your video and instructions. Last night, Tim and I restrung the large shade over our dining room table, I needed Tim to hold the shade together while I restrung it. It only took about 30 minutes and now we have a working shade again. It was a successful project that saved us a lot of money since we now do not need to replace both shades. Good job Team Loomis!
Monday, February 26, 2018
The 2018 Winter Olympics
The 2018 Winter Olympics have been completed and it was good. I have heard that the ratings for the Olympics was down but not at this house. We had the Olympics on the entire time. I watched almost every event and enjoyed it. PyeongChang did a great job and South Korea were wonderful hosts. The USA did pretty good and were so close to the podium in several events, 24 times in fourth. It was still a good Olympics for the USA and all the participants made us proud! Way to go USA! Now on to the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan!
Sunday, February 25, 2018
A New Cul De Sac
With the progress that has been made in the area where a hill once was now sits a new turn around driveway and a cul de sac. The cul de sac now has a major improvement with an addition of a fence around the cul de sac. Along with the fence lights were placed on top of the posts so it is well lit at night. It really looks nice. Way to go George and Tim.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
WooHoo! More First Time Gold Ever!
The USA Men's Curling Team have won the Gold Medal and it is the first time a Gold medal has been won in Curling by the USA. It was a good match and since it was played at 1:00am in the morning my time I received and watched it at 5:00 am before I could see any results. I have loved Curling since I first watched in a couple of Olympics ago and even though I still do not fully understand it I think I would love to try it. Once again, way to go USA!
Friday, February 23, 2018
St. Patty's Fence
With St. Patrick's Day less than a Month away Lisa and I decided to do some quick decorating of the fence since it has not been decorated since Christmas. So we stopped by Dollar Tree, that is where we get most of our decorations, and picked up a few decorations. We did not go all out on the fence since it will only be up for a few weeks. We have already starting planning the next decorations for the fence. Will it be Easter? Will it be Spring? Will we jump right into Summer? You will just have to wait and see!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The Black Panther
We went and saw the movie, "The Black Panther" last night and it was good. It was the latest of the Marvel movies and it was good but different. It was not what I was expecting but was a good story and a very different way of telling it. If you are a Marvel fan then definitely see it and if you are not this may be one you may want to see.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
The Ups And Downs In The Olympics
The Olympic Winter Games is winding down and with it comes the ups and downs of the games. The Men's Hockey team has been eliminated, no pros on the team, but the men's Curling team have advanced to the finals. The women Figure skaters had a tough night on the ice but the alpine skiers did pretty good winning a bronze on the downhill and the first gold ever in cross country skiing. That is the ups and downs of the games but at least they all tried. Go Team USA!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Quail Way Has A New Entance
Quail Way is a private road but that is not always possible to maintain because there are always curious people. To help with the private road a gate was put up years ago but was no longer used. George and Tim came up with an idea of creating an entrance that would be functional to welcome our visitors but also mark it as a private road. George had purchased these large wheels from a scrap yard a while ago and until now we could not figure out what to do with them. The gate was taken down and the wheels were put up. Now we have an entrance to Quail Way and that means Lisa and I get to decorate it! Two wins! It looks great, very country and welcoming go invited guests. Great job George & Tim!
Monday, February 19, 2018
Happy Presidents Day!
How will you be spending your President's Day? Remember that banks, the post office, government offices and schools are closed today. However the stores are open and running sale! I had a very lazy day yesterday and spent the day watching the Olympics. Today, our bowling alley, Victory Lanes, is having a customer's appreciation day and offering $5.00 bowling for two hours. So, Lisa and I are going to go; I need the practice! Happy President's Day!
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Making Cutting Boards
I am in a Cricut group that shares ideas and tips and a few months ago I saw this one idea I loved but could not find the material. Well, a couple of days ago I walked into a store and there was the material. I bought a few and customized them. They are small cutting boards or could be trivets too. I have had so much fun in creating sayings for them. Check out the picture on the right!
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Olympic Participation
With one week of the 2018 Winter Olympics completed we have seen some highs and lows but mostly what we have seen is the participating. Not everyone can win but you can participate and having the opportunity to go for the Gold is what the games are all about. Making an Olympic team is an honor and great achievement in itself and that is the highlight for most of the participants. The USA team have come very close in picking up medals by coming in 4th a lot. The athletes have given their all and that is all we can ask of them. We tried and that means more than winnings because we tried. So keep it up athletes, participate, try your best and enjoy your experience because you are experiencing something only a few can and many want to. Go USA!
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Crafty Cottage Gets Sealed
The Crafty Cottage has another protective coat from the elements. If you remember the Crafty Cottage sits completely on the edge of a hill with only about one foot of it on solid ground. The rest is supported on posts. This means that under the crafty cottage the floor is exposed. It is insulated but Tim took it one step further and place plastic on top of the insulation so now it is sealed and hopefully will cut down on the floor getting cold and help keep more bugs out. Did I ever mention I hate lady bugs? Thank you Tim! It looks great and I am sure it will feel better too!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Mixed Emotions
What a day for mixed emotions. What started off as a good day with good things happening and team USA doing pretty good in the Olympics a dark cloud was lowered with yet another school shooting this time in southern Florida. Sadly 17 people died due to gunfire from an expelled student. The cruel way he chose to shoot the kids by pulling a fire alarm to get the students to move into his range of fire. The motive has not been given yet so I can not judge just pray for the victims, their family and friends and the school. There are already people judging about guns and gun control and that is not the issue right now. The issue is how to protect our schools.
As with everything, life goes on and with life good and bad things happen. With that said, I do want to congratulate our newest Gold Medal winner Mikaela Shiffrin and winning a gold medal in Giant Slalom. It was a good and terrible day.
As with everything, life goes on and with life good and bad things happen. With that said, I do want to congratulate our newest Gold Medal winner Mikaela Shiffrin and winning a gold medal in Giant Slalom. It was a good and terrible day.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to you all! I hope it will be a good one for you. We will be going out to dinner tonight with George & Lisa to celebrate. Other than that, the Olympics will be on again and I will be watching. Way to go Sean White who won his third Gold medal in the men's Halfpike. He wanted it and earned and even though it was his third he was just as proud as if it was his first. Go USA and Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
More Medals for USA
Chloe Kim was one of the hopefuls for a Gold medal for the USA in Women's Halfpike and she did it! She is 17 years old and even with all the hype she was getting she managed to not only win the gold in her first run but on her third run she bettered her score with a 98.5 out of 100. Arielle Gold of the USA took the Bronze so the USA gained two more medals. Way to go ladies!
Monday, February 12, 2018
I Am An Olympic Junkie
I have been enjoying the Olympics and have watched nearly all the coverage and I do not regret it. It does help that the weather here in Tennessee has done nothing but rain since the Olympics have started so spending the days inside and in front of the tv is not too bad. We are doing well and I would like to say congratulations to all the competitors but a special shout out to Chris Mazdzer, Luge Silver medal, Jamie Anderson, Snowboarder Gold a Metal, and the Figure Skaters Team event for winning the Bronze medal. Way to go! On with the games!
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Day Two or Day Three
i knew watching the Olympics was going to be a challenge but I had no idea that it meant no sleep! Trying to watch several events live means being up all night long. Luckily I have a DVR and can record the overnight events I just have to find time to watch it. The good thing is I get to watch events I enjoy and not just the popular events. I do watch it all. The weather here is making it easy to watch this week end. It has rained non stop since Friday night and is suppose to keep going until tonight. Go Olympics!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2018
The Opening Ceremonies
The Opening Ceremonies of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 2018 have been concluded and once again another great show was put on. The host country did a great job showing traditions (old and new) and sharing them with the world. The parade of Atheletes is always my favorite because everyone marching have begun to live their Olympic Dream. One cool element of the ceremony were the figures made in the air with drones. Let the games begin!
Friday, February 9, 2018
The Winter Olympics
I am a nut for the OlympicsI! Summer or Winter it does not make a difference. When they are on I am watching! This year will be a bit different because of the time difference and the way NBC is showing them. There is a 14 hour time difference here in Eastern time zone and South Korea (South Korea is 14 hours ahead) and NBC is showing a lot more events live. That is not to say I will miss anything but it will make daytime different. Coverage will begin at 3:00 pm during the day instead of all day. However, I am not sure how the other NBC channels are running. The thing is when it is 10:00 am here it is midnight in South Korea. It will be different but I am ready! Opening ceremonies are tonight 8:00 pm Eastern 5:00pm Pacific, 7:00 pm central and 6:00 pm mountain. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 8, 2018
12 Strong
We had a date night last night and dinner movie and dinner. We went to see "12 Strong" and it is a very good and powerful movie. I did not know the story or the outcome so I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It is the story of a classified group of 12 special forces men who were the first in battle after 9-11 in Afghanistan and did it on horseback. Wow, what an act of bravery. It is an excellent movie and should be seen by all.
After the movie we went to Ruby Tuesdsy for dinner. It was a nice evening with Tim, George and Lisa. We should do it again soon and probably will. "The Black Panther" comes out Friday.
After the movie we went to Ruby Tuesdsy for dinner. It was a nice evening with Tim, George and Lisa. We should do it again soon and probably will. "The Black Panther" comes out Friday.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
A New Heater
Living in an RV can be a challenge in the winter. It is tougher to stay warm and we have tried a few different heaters to supplement the furnace in the RV. I think we have finally found a winner. When we were at Costco, about a week ago, we walked passed this one end cap and felt the heat. Tim discovered that not only was it a great heat source but also costs 1/2 as much to run it. Now, I am warm ALL the time and we are saving money while running it. Thanks Tim & Costco!
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The Flu! How Are You?
I don't know about your area of the country but here in eastern Tennessee the flu is running wild. Schools are closed due to the flu. Luckily here at the farm we are all good; knock on wood. However, we have friends and family members suffering through it. It does not sound fun. The lastest victim is my sister Pam. I hope you feel better soon. As for me, I got a flu shot and I hope to stay flu free. It does help that we are away from the population and when we do go out we wash our hands constantly. Go away flu!
Monday, February 5, 2018
Super Bowl Movie Party
Here at the farm none of us were interested in the Super Bowl and at first we were going to watch it just for the commercials but after hearing that NBC would broadcast players kneeling during the National Anthem we decided to skip it all together. (I know no one kneeled). We decided instead of watching the game we would watch a movie. We still had all the great food; wings, dips, crackers, cheese, sausage balls, veggies, etc. We used my air fryer for both the wings and boneless wings and it worked out well. We watched the movie "Geostorm" which was the perfect movie to watch because you did not have to pay that much attention too so the food could be enjoyed. All in all, we had a great time and did not care about the game. I saw the last two minutes of the game (congrats Eagles) because I was waiting for " This a Is Us" to start. Great show!
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Our Surround Sound Is Back!
One of the great "extras" in our RV was the surround sound system that came with it. There are seven speakers through out the RV along with a woofer and then Tim added a sound bar. We had it for a few years then after having to replace our second receiver we gave it up for awhile. Well Tim used his Amazon gift cards that he received for Christmas and bought a new receiver. After spending the day setting it up I am happy to say we have sound again. It is amazing what a difference it makes while watching movies and everything else. Tim had to do some rearranging which also meant our media cabinet had to be emptied but that just allowed me to get rid of things and reorganize my DVDs and blu Rays. So what started Friday afternoon was finishe Saturday morning. Thanks Tim
( & George)' it sounds great and looks good too!
( & George)' it sounds great and looks good too!
Saturday, February 3, 2018
The Count Was Not Rigged
There has been some questioning of the tally of the voting for which sign was better. Some even are calling it the "Fair Vote". Well, it was fair AND can be documented! The facts or votes are all there for anyone to see. So, challenge accepted to prove the votes. Why do I feel like this is the 2000 Presidential election and I am back in Florida? Hahaha. There were five votes commented on either this blog of Facebook. Three for the left sign and two for the right sign. I didn't even need to vote so to the naysayer questioning the "fair vote", go and count the votes. The left sign still wins!
With that said I will post some pictures of the snow we received. It is a lot more interesting!
With that said I will post some pictures of the snow we received. It is a lot more interesting!
Friday, February 2, 2018
The Left Sign Wins
After tallying up the votes the sign on the left wins. Sorry guys but moving the sings to the side does not allow the arrows to be seen from the top of the road when you need the direction. With this said I am in serious doubt that is will be changed anytime since the votes for the right sign were also the ones that changed the sign. I may need to be the one who has yo change it back. Time will tell. The important thing is, the left sign won!
Snow Update- we got a dusting of snow so the weather people are 2 for 3 and 100% so far.
Snow Update- we got a dusting of snow so the weather people are 2 for 3 and 100% so far.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
The " MASH" Sign Was Changed
The "MASH" sign I created has been changed and I need your help in convincing a few people that it needs to be changed back. The sign is suppose to let visitors to Quail Way which way to go once the summit has been reached. Well sometime last week a couple of the signs were changed and now its guidance, in my opinion, is lost. You cannot see the signs that were changed until you are right next to them. So here is where I need your help. Please let me know which sign makes sense. The winning sign will be either changed or it will stay. (I get to decide on a tie.). Please comment below your choice and thanks for your help!
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