Our view

Saturday, September 30, 2017
The LCOW Upgrade Part Two
Tim has been busy since I left mostly working on the LCOW (The Little Cabin On Wheels). He made some more additions to make storage a bit easier. Since we cannot put anything next to the bed to hold items like eye glasses, book, the remote, etc. Tim has figured out a solution and added two large trays that he placed on the wall for more storage. He also reorganized the storage under the bed to get some more space. The LCOW will be ready for our next trip for sure now. Look for an announcement soon.
Friday, September 29, 2017
The Tin Project
Tim and George went to the scrap yard a couple of days ago and both came back with some scrap tin roofing material. Now I know why George wanted it but I was not clear why Tim did until yesterday. He used the tin to cover the air conditioning box on the LCOW (Little Cabin On Wheels) to help protect the air conditioner and water proof it a bit better. It looks good and since we will be using the LCOW in about three weeks protecting the air conditioner is always good. I will announce a little later what our next trip will be in a couple of weeks. Nice job Tim!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Visiting The Scrap Yard
While Lisa and I were driving down to Florida Tim and George went to visit the Metal scrap yard to look for some junk but they would say treasures. In the past they have come home with lots of things needed to repair or replace items but they have also come home with items that there were ideas for yet they still sit in the barn waiting to become useful. Yesterday, as we were driving, we received a picture of our new fire pit. Of course they were just joking but it would be one heck of a fire pit. Instead they came home with some tin roofing material for future projects that will be shared soon. Boys and their toys.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Headed South
Lisa and I are going on a little road trip south to Florida. Tim and I were suppose to leave tomorrow but Lisa now has a Gator game to attend and so I am riding with her instead of Tim who will stay home. He is going to miss seeing his Rory but in a few more weeks we will be together at Disney. We have the Coffee bowling league this morning then we will hit the road! Florida, here we come!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
The LCOW Gets An Upgrade
The LCOW (Little Cabin On Wheels) got upgraded yesterday. We have a big shelf over our heads in the camper and it has a lip the helps hold somethings in but there were several times during our travels that what was on the shelf ended up on the bed once we reached our destination. Well Tim has fixed that issue now. Yesterday he installed a cargo net that is hung across the shelf and will serve two purposes; 1. The help keep items on the shelf ONthe shelf and 2. To store items in the cargo net. So now we have even more storage while getting more organized. Nice job Tim and thanks!
Monday, September 25, 2017
A Sad Day For NFL Football
Do you remember when football was fun? When you looked forward to Sunday games, Monday night games, Thanksgiving Day games and the Super Bowl? Well those days are over for so many people and all for one reason; disrespecting the Flag. Over 100 NFL players got mad at some remarks our President made and instead of being like most Americans and let it roll off their shoulders they decided to be babies and protest during our National Anthem. The sad thing about it is that they are only doing it because of what the President said about the NFL players who were doibg it and not what it is suppose to really mean. I see it as a total disrespect for our flag and country. We are all fortunate to live in this great country where this kind of stupid protest is allowed because of the freedoms we are allowed in this country. I love my Bears and I am proud to say not one Bear knelt during the National Anthem. However the Jaguars went one step too far as to disrespect our country while playing in a foreign country so Bye Bye Jaguars. The Titans were too chicken to even come out on the field during the National Anthem so Bye Bye Titans. There were some Chargers that knelt so Bye Bye Chargers. To the NFL players who feel the need to disrespect the flag because of some remarks why don't you do it on your own time and not in uniform? If I protested at my job I would be fired and so would a whole bunch of Other Americans. Think about that next time you are in uniform and want to protest. You play a game that Americans love but you have now forced several fans to stop watching. The NFL blew it yesterday and created the saddest day in NFL football.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Pinefeast, White Pine, TN
Now that it is Fall that means one thing here in eastern Tennessee, Fall Festival time. For the next several weeks there will be a Fall Festival or two each week end in nearby towns. The towns coordinate their festivals so they don't overlap with eachother. Each Fall Festival is different even though some of the vendors are the same they still vary. The first Fall festival we attended was yesterday in White Pine, Tn. It was very nice and had some great vendors. White Pine closed down Main Strret and set up booths. There were over 70 vendors, a car show, bounce houses for the kids, live bands and story telling. Story telling is a big event here in eastern Tennessee and it is pretty good. We has a great time and will be back next year. Now we only have a few more to attend until November comes.
We finished a nice day with a nice evening and a BBQ at the farm. Our friends Larry & Linda came to join us and we enjoyed a beautiful fall evening with great food and a wonderful view. To top the whole day off all of my college football teams won! It was a good day!
We finished a nice day with a nice evening and a BBQ at the farm. Our friends Larry & Linda came to join us and we enjoyed a beautiful fall evening with great food and a wonderful view. To top the whole day off all of my college football teams won! It was a good day!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
The Kingsman -The Golden Circle
We went and saw the new Kingsman movie yesterday and we enjoyed it very much. It was an action packed movie with suspense and humor in it. If you enjoyed the first Kingsman movie then you will enjoy this one too. It picks up after the last movie with a new plot to control the world this time by a crazy woman. Check it out!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Happy Fall Y'all
At 4:02 this afternoon Fall will arrive and around the farm it is beginning to look like Fall. The leaves on the trees are changing and starting to fall to the ground. The orchard has been harvested and now the wild life is enjoying whatever may be left. The fence has been decorated for Fall and so have the homes. One thing that really signifies Fall here? The stink bugs have returned. If you know what they are then you know this is one part of Fall that should be gone. Tomorrow we go to our first fall festival which marks the beginning of the next few week ends of Fall festivals in eastern Tennessee, Yay!!! Happy Fall Y'all!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
The Cargo Net
When you own an SUV the one thing that may drive you nuts, or at least it does me, is buying groceries and placing them in the back of the SUV then when you get home the groceries are all over the place because it is such a lRge space and the groceries roll around. Well, Tim has solved that problem for me by buying a cargo net for our Dodge Journey. He surprised me with it Tuesday and it looks great and I know will work great as I had one when we owned our Dodge Durango. Thanks Tim, I can't wait to go shopping and give it a try!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
New Trees
New trees showed up at the farm yesterday and they were big. George and Lisa wanted some trees to line the new area of the new driveway but did not really want to deal with saplings so they made the decision to buy some mature trees so it would look more uniform with the other trees that were planted years ago. The truck arrived around 10:00 am and by 1:00 pm there were eight trees. Now all George has to do is water them twice a day for a few weeks and all should be good. It looks nice!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Surprise Packages
I received a surprise package from my sister Pam. She is a Stampin Up demonstrator who spoils me rotten. Her September SAS is this coming week end then in November is her big Christmas SAS. That is the one that I not only get to attend but I help with the cards and door prizes. I have now received four Christmas sets that I will be making multiple sample from each set for possible cards at the next SAS. Thanks Pam! This will keep me busy and even though we are experiencing Summer again if you should come by the Crafty Cottage you will probably hear Christmas music; it can be very helpful in creating. Fa la la la la, Fa la la la!
Monday, September 18, 2017
Home Again
On the second Sunday of NFL Sunday Lisa and I went to see the movie "Home Again". We think it was the right decision after seeing the scores of the Bears and Jaguars games. The movie, starring Reece Witherspoon, was a light hearted comedy and a feel good movie. It is a movie you could see with the family but judging by the attendees at the theater it could be classified as a chick flick. I thought it was a good movie and will watch it again when it comes to HBO or released on Blu-ray. If you are looking for a fun movie then go see "Home Again".
Sunday, September 17, 2017
The Circular Drive
Remember all the digging George was doing around his house. It was serving two purposes: 1. To create a bigger RV area and 2. To create a circular driveway. The RV spot is still settling before anything can happen with that so for now it is complete. The circular driveway is on its way on getting completed. The first of two loads of gravel was delivered yesterday and shortly the driveway will be completed. However, with the completion of the circular driveway is a new project and this time it is a project for Lisa and I but more on that later!
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Summer Has Returned
After the past few weeks of "Fall" like weather Summer has returned to the mountains. For the next several days it will be in the mid to high 80's and no rain in sight. We are running the air conditioning again and are back to wearing shorts, t-shirts and flip flops. The leaves have started to change so it will be interesting to see what happens with warmer weather. With Summer returning we will continue to grill out on the week ends as long as we can. I just hope with the warmer weather that the bugs will not come back. I have to say I do not miss the gnats! It won't last long so we will enjoy it until the Autumn returns. I am posting a picture of this morning's view.
Friday, September 15, 2017
More Cricut Items
I said in yesterday's post that I have been having fun playing with my Cricut and now that a few more gifts have been given out I can share those too. Last year the double sided pumpkin/Snowman was a popular item at the fall craft shows. I love the idea of dual decorations so I created my own Fall/Winter decorative signs. I sent one to my sister Pam which she received yesterday and I gave one to Lisa. I think they turned out great! Love this Cricut!
Thursday, September 14, 2017
My Cricut Has A New Home
My Cricut has a new home. It has made it's way to the Crafty Cottage and since moving it down there I have done nothing but play with it. It requires internet to use it and now that we are with AT&T I can use my phone as a hotspot. I have had so many ideas and projects that I have wanted to do and now, since it has been moved, I have been doing just that. Now I call it playing because it is like having a new toy. Good thing I finished my sister's door prizes before I moved it to the Crafty Cottage. I will post a few projects I have been working on. I can't show them all because some are gifts that have not been given yet.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Autumn Colors Are Starting To Show
i know we are only in week two of September but since we have been experiencing Fall weather why not enjoy one of the best things about Fall or Autumn...the colors. Some of the trees are starting to turn colors and so today I am showing a glimpse of what is going to happen soon. It won't officially be Fall/Autumn for another week or so but for now I am enjoying the colors that are starting to pop up.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Good bye Irma!
I have been watching all the Irma coverage and I am both thankful and heartsick. I am thankful that my family and friends are all okay and have survived Irma. My girls were both without power for several hours but both have there power restored by 10:00 pm last night. Jenny & Nate had some damage to their fence but that was about it so far. Carrie and Daniel had no damage as far as I know. We are driving to Jacksonville this weekend to see them all. Rory slept through the storm which is truly a blessing. My family in Sanford are all okay and have some yard and pool clean up to do. My friends are all good so far. Prayer really does work.
I am heartsick over all the flooding and damage throughout Florida. The Keys, Naples, Miami, St Augustine, and Jacksonville/Middleburg. In Orange Park the road that leads to my old store is completely under water and my hometown for over 20 years, Middleburg, is flooded with roads closed. It will be quite awhile until things return to normal.
Irma has come to Tennessee but all we had was rain and some wind. I think everyone will be glad when Irma just completely disappears. Good bye Irma!
I am heartsick over all the flooding and damage throughout Florida. The Keys, Naples, Miami, St Augustine, and Jacksonville/Middleburg. In Orange Park the road that leads to my old store is completely under water and my hometown for over 20 years, Middleburg, is flooded with roads closed. It will be quite awhile until things return to normal.
Irma has come to Tennessee but all we had was rain and some wind. I think everyone will be glad when Irma just completely disappears. Good bye Irma!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Irma Is Coming For A Visit
So now that Irma has attacked the Caribbean and ALL of Florida she is not done yet. She will be visiting us here in Tennessee tonight. Irma has been a bitch of a storm and I still am waiting to see the damage she has left behind. I did contact my kids who live in the Jacksonville area in Florida and it has been a long and scary night for them. They have another couple of hours before Irma moves on and so far so good they are both okay and so are their homes as far as I know right now. I have heard from quite a few of my Florida friends and they are also good so far. Prayers worked! So Irma be warned, we don't want you here so go away be cause there will not be a friendly Tennessee welcome to you. Move on or better yet...disappear!
Sunday, September 10, 2017
The Fence Is Done!
The fence at Travis's house is up and already in use. George and Tim finished putting up the fence late yesterday afternoon and now that it has been completed Travis's three dogs will now be able to run and play and Travis won't have to worry about the dogs. This makes life so much easier for Travis and the dogs. The fence is 350 feet and has three gates: two double gates and one single gate. Good job Tim and George!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Making Progress...Off The Farm
The fencing project going on at Travis's house is moving along well and should be finished soon. George and Tim have been working long days to complete it. The great thing is the weather has been cooperating really well. It has been warm, in the 70's, and no rain. Soon, Travis will have a fenced in yard for his dogs and Tim and George will return back to the farm working on more projects and there are a few!
Friday, September 8, 2017
We Have Florida Visitors
With Hurricane Irma heading toward ALL of Florida people are being evacuated and going where it will be safer. Lisa's mother and daughter decided to get out of Jacksonville and came here to the farm for refuge and we are glad to have them. Sandy, Lisa's mom, is staying at Travis's house and Kaitlyn, George and Lisa's daughter, is staying in the RV that was just vacated by Travis's move. Everyone has their own space at night but they will all be together during the days.
As for my girls they will be staying in Florida and riding out Hurricane Irma but both will be safely housed and are prepared for the storm. As much as I wish they were also up here at the farm taking refuge I understand why they are not. This is a warning to my girls...I will be calling, texting, etc for updates and more. To all of my Florida friends and family please be safe, be prepared and be protected. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
As for my girls they will be staying in Florida and riding out Hurricane Irma but both will be safely housed and are prepared for the storm. As much as I wish they were also up here at the farm taking refuge I understand why they are not. This is a warning to my girls...I will be calling, texting, etc for updates and more. To all of my Florida friends and family please be safe, be prepared and be protected. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Thursday, September 7, 2017
A New Project...Off The Farm
Tim and George are involved in a new project but it is off the farm. I announced last week the George and Lisa's son Travis bought his own home. Well now that he is moved in George and Tim have a new project at the new house; putting up a fence. George found a chain link fence on Craig's List so now he and Tim are working on getting the new/old fence up. They just finished day three on the fence but things are going well but they still have a couple more days of work. Once the fence is up it will allow Travis to let his dogs, he has three, play outside.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
A Warning To Irma and Jose
This is a warning to Hurricane Irma and Jose; don't mess with my trip to Florida! I am headed to Florida next week to visit my kids and most especially my Rory. It is called getting my "Rory fix". I don't need you two storms to screw it up so make your turn east towards the Atlantic and move out to sea. Rory is waiting for her Gamma to visit!
Seriously though, after the devastation that Hurricane Harvey did in Texas and Louisiana Irma could be worse due to it being a Category 5 storm. If you are in the path of the storm please take it seriously and get prepared. Don't wait until just before it hits and start complaining you cannot find water or batteries. To my Florida family and friends if you need to evacuate and don't have a place to go you are welcome here at the farm. We will find room for you. Just be safe!
Seriously though, after the devastation that Hurricane Harvey did in Texas and Louisiana Irma could be worse due to it being a Category 5 storm. If you are in the path of the storm please take it seriously and get prepared. Don't wait until just before it hits and start complaining you cannot find water or batteries. To my Florida family and friends if you need to evacuate and don't have a place to go you are welcome here at the farm. We will find room for you. Just be safe!
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
The Glass Castle
The movie, "The Glass Castle" was made after the autobiography of the book by the same name about the Wall family. Jeannette Wall wrote the book and told the story of she and her Sibblings and their childhood. I had not heard of the book so I had no idea what to expect of the movie. I thought it was very good even though the content of the movie was tough. It is an amazing story of survival by the Sibblings and what they could do together. If you have not seen it, give it a try.
Monday, September 4, 2017
NFL Football Season 2017-2018
It is football season once again and that means it is time to share my team picks! The first and most important team is The Chicago Bears...Da Bears. I know they had a terrible season last year but they will and forever be the team I love and follow! The second team is the Jacksonville Jaguars and that is because I lived in Jacksonville when they got the team and have followed them ever since and also this is my Children's team. Jaguars to them is like the Bears to me. The third team is the Tennessee Titans and that is just because I live in Tennessee and that is the only reason. My new team, this year to follow, is the Los Angeles Chargers. That is right the Los Angeles not San Diego and the only reason I am following them is I figure they need fans. Since they ran out on San Diego and went to LA where even the Rams are not that well received it will be a struggle for the team. So I am not doing it as a rub in your face San Deigo just an okay they need a fan. My line up may not be seen as a bunch of winners but just you wait, you never know what the underdogs can do. Go Bears!!!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
It's College Football Season!
College Football 2017 season has started which means Saturday's for the next several weeks will be filled with watching football and that is a good thing. Tim loves College football even more than NFL Football which means most of his Saturdays will be spent watching the games. I will be revealing what teams I will be following which are all repeats from last year. So, what are my teams? Well here we go!
Northern Arizona University (NAU Lumberjacks) my alma mater
Northern Illinois University (NIU Huskies) my second alma mater
University of Florida (Gators) because I lived in Florida and you have to follow a college team - sorry Seminole fans.
University of Michigan (Wolverines) because Jim Harbough is the coach
University of Tennessee (Volunteers) because I now reside in Tennessee
Naval Academy (Navy) because we are retired Navy
I will be keeping a weekly tally of wins/losses, rankings and maybe a recap or two so if you ever need to know the outcome of a game and don't want to watch ESPN then stop by here for the info.
Go Lumberjacks, Huskies, Gators, Wolverines, Vols, and Navy!!!
Northern Arizona University (NAU Lumberjacks) my alma mater
Northern Illinois University (NIU Huskies) my second alma mater
University of Florida (Gators) because I lived in Florida and you have to follow a college team - sorry Seminole fans.
University of Michigan (Wolverines) because Jim Harbough is the coach
University of Tennessee (Volunteers) because I now reside in Tennessee
Naval Academy (Navy) because we are retired Navy
I will be keeping a weekly tally of wins/losses, rankings and maybe a recap or two so if you ever need to know the outcome of a game and don't want to watch ESPN then stop by here for the info.
Go Lumberjacks, Huskies, Gators, Wolverines, Vols, and Navy!!!
Saturday, September 2, 2017
A New Homeowner
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Travis, George and Lisa's son, on buying his first house. Way to go Travis! Travis moved to the farm last November and was planning on building a home but he is a programmer and needs reliable internet to do his job. Unfortunately living in a rural area the Internet here is either on your phone or a satellite based one. Neither are that fast which in Travis's business is not good. He needed a cable base Internet and decided to live just a little less rural. Yesterday he closed on a beautiful three bedroom home where he can live with his three dogs and work with the proper tools needed to do his job. Congratulations Travis!
Friday, September 1, 2017
The Crop That Couldn't
Who does not like corn on the cob? To me it is one of those simple pleasures. In the summer there is nothing better than a fresh ear of roasted corn on the cob dipped in butter; yum! We had high hopes for our corn crop this year and it was a group effort to get the ground prepared, planted and growing. The con was even planted in intervals as to not have it all at once. It was a great plan and the planting part went well. The rest is more of a war between nutrients and pests. There are a few reasons we were unable to enjoy the fruits of our labor and this year we did not even get one ear of corn. Now that is a crime. The soil was lacking some nutrients for growth and the raccoons and turkeys had there eyes on the corn and they won. George trapped 12 raccoons but then gave up once we saw the crop was not going to happen. So as we buy corn on the cob at the store the raccoons and wild turkeys are enjoying what we thought we would. One day, we will grow corn AND we will eat it. Be warned raccoons and turkeys this will happen so enjoy what is left this year because next year...well, let's just wait and see.
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