Our view

Thursday, December 31, 2015
Happy New Year;s Eve!
This is the last day of 2015 and what a year it was. We started 2015 out with some crazy weather which included us being snowed in for a couple of weeks. Last winter was the 2nd coldest winter in Tennessee. We survived the winter and had a beautiful spring. Tim and I did our first cross country trip without the RV and it was fun. We were able to travel and stop at areas we could not in the RV. We took a lot of backroads to places instead of the interstate which allowed us to see so much more of this beautiful country. We visited all of the National Parks in Utah, saw friends and family and celebrated our granddaughter's first birthday in Hawaii. I learned and helped maintain a garden and even do some canning. I lost my Mom but I am grateful I was able to be with her. Tim build some amazing things, a deck, a golf cart and a camper. Last week we got to spend our Christmas with both of our girls and granddaughter. I know it will be one of many. All in all it was a busy year and we are ready to see what 2016 has in store for us. Happy New Year's Eve!
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Star Wars - The Force Awakens
We went as saw Star Wars The Force Awakens yesterday afternoon at our local theater in Newport. We are now among the many who have seen the movie and don't worry I am not going to share anything about it except this: if you are a Stars Fan then go see it. If you just like Star Wars, go see it. If you have only seen one Star Wars movie, go see it. If you have never heard of Star Wars then go see it. The movie is very good and you will not be bored! Our little movie theater only cost $5.00 to see a first run movie. I don't know how they do it but I am sure glad they do. It makes it very easy to go to the movies. After the movie we had dinner at Ruby Tuesday, one of our favorite places to eat for two reasons. Number one we always have coupons for it and number two it is the only one of two nice sit down restaurants that is not fast food. When we got back to the farm we celebrated Christmas with Lisa and George. Thank you for our wonderful gifts! Our first day back at the farm was a good one.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Back At The Farm
We are back at the farm and we are happy to report that our trip back here was uneventful; just the way we like it. We left Florida where it was a cool 75 degrees at 8:00 am and got home around 5:00 pm where it was a cool 75 degrees. It is hard to believe that it was December 28. We were breaking records in Jacksonville, FL with the temperatures and we are breaking them in eastern Tennessee. I have to say that it has been an interesting December.
We were welcomed back by Lisa, George and Roxy and Lisa was kind enough to fix dinner for us. She made her delicious Spaghetti and it tasted great! Thanks Lisa! It started to rain again and it looks like it will be around for another few days. Even with the rain it is good to be home and I want to thank everyone in the Jacksonville, Orange Park and Middleburg area for making our stay a great one! Today we are going to go see the new Star Wars movie so check back tomorrow for my review. Don't worry, I will not give up anything!
We were welcomed back by Lisa, George and Roxy and Lisa was kind enough to fix dinner for us. She made her delicious Spaghetti and it tasted great! Thanks Lisa! It started to rain again and it looks like it will be around for another few days. Even with the rain it is good to be home and I want to thank everyone in the Jacksonville, Orange Park and Middleburg area for making our stay a great one! Today we are going to go see the new Star Wars movie so check back tomorrow for my review. Don't worry, I will not give up anything!
Monday, December 28, 2015
Headed Back To The Farm
We had to say good bye to Carrie, Daniel, Jenny, Nate and Rory yesterday. We had our last family dinner for a little while but we will be back in February. The Little Cabin on Wheels worked out well and now we know what we want to add for the next time. The trial run was a success. It looks like eastern Tennessee will be getting some more rain tomorrow and tomorrow night so it could be a wet ride once we get into South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee. Of course we are not ready to go but the time has come so I guess it is time to hit the road! At least Lisa is going to have dinner waiting for us which is really nice of her! Thank you to everyone here in the Jacksonville, Orange Park, Middleburg and Sanford area of Florida; we have had a great time and look forward to seeing you all soon! A special thank you to my family for making this a wonderful Christmas. Dad and I love you! Rory, Grandma and Bumpa love you so very much!
Today is my sister Pam's birthday and I want to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday Pam! You are the best sister I could ever want or wish for and I thank the good Lord everyday for giving you to me. You are not only my sister but you are my best friend! Love you Pam!
Today is my sister Pam's birthday and I want to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday Pam! You are the best sister I could ever want or wish for and I thank the good Lord everyday for giving you to me. You are not only my sister but you are my best friend! Love you Pam!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
The Rain Has Stopped!
After raining for the past 6 days the rain has finally stopped...for now. It is suppose to start raining again on Monday which just happens to be the day that we head back to Tennessee. At least the temperatures were warmer. That won't be the case when we get back. It is suppose to get gradually colder as the week goes on. Let's hope it is gradual since we are so use to high 70s and low 80s temperatures. We have enjoyed the weather here in Florida but not the humidity. I guess we have to get back to reality and cooler temps. Oh well, it is winter!
Saturday, December 26, 2015
A Wonderful Christmas
While Tim and I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas in warm and sunny Florida George and Lisa got to spend the last few days warm but wet. Eastern Tennessee has been getting a lot of rain and there are flood warnings now for all the rivers. Where the farm is we don't have to worry about flooding but we are hoping that the rain will quit for a little while so our road will be good for us to pull the Cabin on Wheels up the hill. I guess we will just have to wait and see on Monday.
We had a wonderful Christmas with Rory, our first, and she was so good. She got some wonderful gifts and so did Tim and I. It has been a wonderful Christmas and now we get to enjoy the rest of the holiday week end before we head back to Tennessee on Monday. Merry Day after Christmas or as we use to refer to it in retail, Return Day!
We had a wonderful Christmas with Rory, our first, and she was so good. She got some wonderful gifts and so did Tim and I. It has been a wonderful Christmas and now we get to enjoy the rest of the holiday week end before we head back to Tennessee on Monday. Merry Day after Christmas or as we use to refer to it in retail, Return Day!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brings you some great stuff. We have enjoyed being with our girls and look forward to more family time. Enjoy your day with friends and loved ones. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Christmas Shopping Is Completed
I did my last bit of Christmas shopping yesterday and it feels good to be done. I actually only needed a couple of things and the lines were not bad especially at Dollar Tree. I am happy I don't have to go out today. I usecto like shopping on Christmas Eve but not anymore. At the farm they have been dealing with a lot of rain but the temperatures have stay on the warm side. There is a huge storm system going through the Midwest and Tennessee got nailed yesterday. Meanwhile it was a cloudy but very warm and humid day here in Florida. I'll go with the warm and humid right now. This being Christmas Eve I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
To Catch A Thief!
We are on a mission to catch a thief. Since the Christmas card thief it has bothered us all that someone could stoop so low. Since stealing mail is a federal offense a game camera has been set up down by the mail box. We are kind of hope the thief will try once more and this time we are hoping the camera catches the license plate and we can turn it over to the police. Then again, I hope it was a stupid prank from some stupid teens bored out of their mind! I guess for now all we have to do is wait! Thanks George for moving a camera down at the mailbox! Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Back In Florida
Our trip to Florida was a success and it seems strange to be back in warm weather again. While we head down to Florida George and Lisa are heading back up to Tennessee. They had their Christmas early with their kids and Lisa's family. Unfortunately their cat Angel cannot travel so someone has to be at the farm. So while George and Lisa were in Florida I took care of Angel. Tim can't, he is highly allergic to cats. We did pass each other around Columbia, SC; we waved!
They enjoyed the warm weather last week that we will be enjoying this week. Of course while they were gone from the farm we had very cold temperatures and snow but they get to enjoy unseasonably mild temperatures all week.
We met with Jenny, Nate and our Rory for dinner last night and later Carrie and Daniel came by the campsite to see us. So, I have seem my kids and Rory and today we are going to the Mall so Rory can see Santa. I hope she likes him! Hyvvaa Joulue aka Merry Christmas in Finnish.
They enjoyed the warm weather last week that we will be enjoying this week. Of course while they were gone from the farm we had very cold temperatures and snow but they get to enjoy unseasonably mild temperatures all week.
We met with Jenny, Nate and our Rory for dinner last night and later Carrie and Daniel came by the campsite to see us. So, I have seem my kids and Rory and today we are going to the Mall so Rory can see Santa. I hope she likes him! Hyvvaa Joulue aka Merry Christmas in Finnish.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Heading South For Christmas
Tim, Shadow and I are headed south to Florida to spend Christmas with our kids, Carrie & Daniel and Jenny, Nate and Rory. This will be Rory's second Christmas but our first with her. This will be the first Christmas that I am spending with both daughters in over 5 years. When your kids are little you never think there will be a Christmas that you won't spend with them but then they grow up and we all go in different directions. So this will be the first Christmas that we will be with both kids but will be the first Christmas with my Mom being gone. We will be taking our Little Cabin on Wheels with us and it is the maiden voyage for it. I will be posting a daily blog on here but for our travels please visit my Travels With Ruth Blog. Here is the website: travelswithruth-ruth.blogspot.com
Feliz Natal aka Merry Christmas in Portuguese.
Feliz Natal aka Merry Christmas in Portuguese.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
A Christmas Card Thief
We live in the middle of farm country and the street that leads to our road is a side street to a side street so who would think that out here in the middle of no where we would actually have our mail stolen. It happened Friday but we did not know about it until yesterday. We did get mail on Friday but it was bills and magazines. We did not get any Christmas cards which I thought was a little strange because they have been coming daily. Our neighbors Reg and Cheryl came by yesterday morning to tell us another neighbor had picked up some of our mail and some of Francisco's mail off the ground by her horse barn. Tim drove down to the mail boxes and looked along the road and found more mail laying on the ground and all were Christmas cards. We figured that whoever is doing this is getting the Christmas cards and checking for money or gift cards. I thought stealing packages from the front porches of houses was low but stealing Christmas cards is even lower. It seems so strange to have to worry about this kind of thing living in the country. The person or persons who are doing this, STOP IT! We were able to salvage most of the Christmas cards that we received but it is sad that this kind of thing can happen out here in the middle of nowhere! Vrolijike Kerst aka Merry Christmas in Dutch.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Our First Snow
It began to snow, flurries, around noon yesterday and continued through the evening. It started to accumulate around 4:00 and stuck around for a while. This is our first snow for this winter and it was totally unexpected. The weather said the higher elevations could get about an inch of snow but we are only at 1414 in elevation. I guess the weather was wrong but that never happens! Hahaha. It is cold right now but a warming trend is suppose to begin today and we should be in the 50s on Sunday. Let's hope so because we leave for Florida on Monday. It will be our maiden voyage with our little cabin on wheels. Check out my other blog, travelswithruth-ruth@ blogspot.com for details of the little cabin. With Chrstmas less than a week away a white Christmas would be nice but not where we will be; Snow would shut down Florida! Kala Christouyenna aka Merry Christmas in Greek.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Christmas Trees
Are you a person that puts their tree up early or do you put it up on Christmas Eve? I am one that likes it up early so I can enjoy it during the entire Christmas season. Second question, do you place your presents under the tree or wait until Christmas Eve? I place them under the tree as soon as I get them wrapped. Which is why now both trees are getting pretty full with presents. It looks extra festive now. So with that said here is a couple of facts about Christmas trees:
Christmas trees usually grow about 15 years before they are cut and sold as Christmas trees.
Christmas trees have been sold in the U.S. since 1850.
Approximately 30 to 35 million real (living) Christmas trees are sold each year in the U.S.
Enjoy the last week before Christmas; a week from today is Christmas. God Jul aka Merry Christmas in Norwegian and Sweden.
Christmas trees usually grow about 15 years before they are cut and sold as Christmas trees.
Christmas trees have been sold in the U.S. since 1850.
Approximately 30 to 35 million real (living) Christmas trees are sold each year in the U.S.
Enjoy the last week before Christmas; a week from today is Christmas. God Jul aka Merry Christmas in Norwegian and Sweden.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Decorating The Fence
I decorated the fence by the sign I made last summer. It isn't much but it does look a little more festive. I should of decorated the fence when I did all the decorating of the RV and Crafty Cottage but I ran out of things to decorate it with but the other day I did get some garland. I decided to also hang the snowflakes I made from clothes pin at the fence. They would not of been seen at all where I wanted to hang them on the deck. They do look nice on the fence and makes everything look a little more festive. Frohe Weihnachton aka Merry Christmas in German!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Christmas Trivia Facts - Part One
It is Christmas Trivia Fact time. When you go to a Christmas party and need something to talk about bring up one of these facts and see how the conversation goes. So here we go:
Each year more than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. alone.
Alabama was the first state in the U.S. to officially recognize Christmas and that year was 1836.
Oklahoma was the last U.S. state to declare Christmas a legal holiday and that was in 1907.
Christmas was not declared an official holiday in the U.S. until June 26, 1870.
In 1962, the first Christmas postage stamp was issued in the U.S.
Christmas purchases account for 1/6 of all retail sales in the U.S.
I will have some more Christmas Trivia Facts over the next few days. Until then, Glaedelig Jul aka Merry Christmas in Danish!
Each year more than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. alone.
Alabama was the first state in the U.S. to officially recognize Christmas and that year was 1836.
Oklahoma was the last U.S. state to declare Christmas a legal holiday and that was in 1907.
Christmas was not declared an official holiday in the U.S. until June 26, 1870.
In 1962, the first Christmas postage stamp was issued in the U.S.
Christmas purchases account for 1/6 of all retail sales in the U.S.
I will have some more Christmas Trivia Facts over the next few days. Until then, Glaedelig Jul aka Merry Christmas in Danish!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
It's Christmas Movie Time
I love Christmas and I love Christmas movies. I am a Hallmark Channel junkie during Christmas and it is the first channel I go to when I flip on the TV. I know some of the movies on that channel are hokey but they always have a happy ending and they make me feel good. I do watch all the other channels that run Christmas movies because I love Christmas. With that said did you know that some of the favorite Christmas movies almost had some changes? I am talking about the traditional movies and some TV shows. So here we go!
Miracle On 34th Street - Macy's and Gimbel's agreed to have their names used in the film after the movie was made and viewed. If they didn't agree most of the movie would of been refilmed.
It's A Wonderful Life - Instead of ending the movie with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" it was originally suppose to end with the singing of "Ode To Joy".
White Christmas - The sisters scene where Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye do the song. Well that was not suppose to be in the movie. Bing and Danny were just kidding around one day and the director liked it so much that he added that scene in the movie.
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer - The original version of Rudolph did not have Rudolph return to the island of misfits but so many children were disappointed and wrote letters that a it prompted the added scene and that is the version that has been shown ever since.
A Charlie Brown Christmas - Linus's big speech influenced by the Bible was going to be cut by the producers but Peanut's creator Charles Schulz refused saying "If we don't do it, who will?".
A Christmas Story - Ralphie's dad was almost played by Jack Nicholson. He was very interested in the role.
Elf - Instead of Will Ferrell playing Buddy the Elf Jim Carrey was originally set to star in the movie.
So while enjoying all of these Christmas movies and TV shows just think what might have happen if these changes would of happened. I like them just the way they are! Merry Christmas!
Miracle On 34th Street - Macy's and Gimbel's agreed to have their names used in the film after the movie was made and viewed. If they didn't agree most of the movie would of been refilmed.
It's A Wonderful Life - Instead of ending the movie with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" it was originally suppose to end with the singing of "Ode To Joy".
White Christmas - The sisters scene where Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye do the song. Well that was not suppose to be in the movie. Bing and Danny were just kidding around one day and the director liked it so much that he added that scene in the movie.
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer - The original version of Rudolph did not have Rudolph return to the island of misfits but so many children were disappointed and wrote letters that a it prompted the added scene and that is the version that has been shown ever since.
A Charlie Brown Christmas - Linus's big speech influenced by the Bible was going to be cut by the producers but Peanut's creator Charles Schulz refused saying "If we don't do it, who will?".
A Christmas Story - Ralphie's dad was almost played by Jack Nicholson. He was very interested in the role.
Elf - Instead of Will Ferrell playing Buddy the Elf Jim Carrey was originally set to star in the movie.
So while enjoying all of these Christmas movies and TV shows just think what might have happen if these changes would of happened. I like them just the way they are! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2015
Creating Snowflakes In 70 Degrees
It is hard to believe that it is in the middle of December and we are wearing short sleeves and have our door and windows open. Last year it was temperatures in the 30s and 40s. With the warm weather I was still able to create snowflakes. I didn't use paper instead I used wooden clothes pins. I bought a package of wooden clothes pins at Dollar Tree and then took them apart. I needed to get rid of the metal spring. I then glued them together and then began to create the snowflakes with the glued clothes pins. They really turned out great and now all I have to do is decide whether to paint them white or leave them natural. Take a look at the pictures and let me know!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
The Popcycle Stick Sled
In 1979 my Mom made sled ornaments out of Popcycle sticks. As I was hanging my sled ornament it was hard to believe how old it was and yet it looks exactly the same as when she made it. Last year it was just an ornament but this year it is a treasure. I decided to make some sleds out of Popcycle sticks and the first one is for my Mom. It will hang on my tree every year and even though it is sad to realize my Mom is no longer here she will always be here in spirit and live on with great holiday memories every year through her ornaments. My mom has given me an ornament every year since 1979. My trees are loaded with memories! Merry Christmas Mom!
Saturday, December 12, 2015
A Gift For Tim's Knife
Last April, when we were in Branson, MO visiting Mom C and Jim, Tim and I went to Silver Dollar City. I know I have written about SDC a lot. There are all sorts of Crafter stores and one we went into was the Knife store. Tim had been wanting a knife that he could carry on him that would take care of several things that might be needed on the farm; his pocket knife could only do so much. We purchased a knife and it did come with its own sheath but Tim wanted a really nice one for his belt. Mom C just happens to work with leather and leather tooling. So we drew out the shape of the knife so she would have a guide to make him a leather sheath. Mom C's tooling equipment was down at their Harlingen, TX home so Tim had to wait until she returned to Texas. Yesterday in the mail Tim received a gift from his Mom and it was a beautiful leather sheath. Mom C did a wonderful job and it fit the knife perfectly. Tim actually received two gifts in one; a place for his knife and it was made by his Mom. Thanks Mom!
Friday, December 11, 2015
A Run Into Knoxville
Tim, George and I drove into Knoxville yesterday for a couple of reasons. George needed to go to PetSmart to get a specialized cat food for his cat Angel. When we found out he was going we tagged along and did a little Christmas shopping while we were there. I cannot say what I got because you may be the person I shopped for. On the way we did stop at Bass Pro and also went to Costco. Since it was lunch time we decided to eat at Costco and I have to say that their prices make eating very easy. For a piece of pizza, a hot dog, drink and two ice creams we spent a whopping $6.00. Now that is a bargain! We were back by 2:00 so I also worked on a few Christmas presents in the Crafty Cottage too. Today I am headed out on my own to do some more Christmas shopping. This will be my first solo trip into Greeneville and possibly Johnson City. Check back and see where I went!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Dr Appointment And A Flu Shot
When my Mom got sick and I flew to California I had to cancel three Dr appointments and now I am finally catching back up. Yesterday's was just a meds check that should of been back in September. Anyway, after going through the regular check in items, i.e. weight, blood pressure, temperature, the nurse asked me about a flu shot and I declined. Then when it was time to see the Dr. she also asked about a flu shot. I have never had a flu shot and figured as isolated as I am here I really didn't need one. Well, that was the wrong thing to say because I then got a lecture as to why I should have one and that it is not full proof but better safe than sorry. Now here is the kicker and because I am getting older; ouch that hurt. I realize I just had a birthday but since I am going backwards and never hit 50 I am only 44. I know, wishful thinking! Anyway, I gave in and decided to get the flu shot. I did not realize that I had to sit in the lobby for a little bit after I had one because it was my first time for a flu shot and they wanted to make sure I did not have a reaction...I didn't. So now, as long as I have the right strain, I should not get the flu. My fingers are crossed!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
A Lazy Day For Me
I guess last week finally caught up with me because yesterday I was content to do nothing. If you know me you know that is not typical. I am usually busy doing something. So, what did I do yesterday, well I did some laundry, unpacked my birthday gifts I received while I was in Florida and opened the gifts waiting for me when I got home. Once again, thank you for all for the birthday wishes, cards and gifts; I love and appreciate them all. Carrie had given me a popcorn tin full of ornaments that she had but were ours. The popcorn tin is the ones you can buy around Christmas that usually have three kinds of popcorn. I have used these tins for years to pack up and store my ornaments. So I hung some more ornaments on the trees. I did watch some Christmas movies while doing nothing!
Tim and George were busy. They loaded up George's Honda CRV and towed it to an automotive shop to have the engine and transmission replaced. George really loves his CRV! After that they went and purchased wood to finishing siding George's garage and outdoor deck area. I guess they will be busy. Tim also worked on the plumbing for the hot water heater. He replaced some pipe to repair a leaking issue we were having with the hot water heater and it's hook up to the RV. It was just another day at the farm!
Tim and George were busy. They loaded up George's Honda CRV and towed it to an automotive shop to have the engine and transmission replaced. George really loves his CRV! After that they went and purchased wood to finishing siding George's garage and outdoor deck area. I guess they will be busy. Tim also worked on the plumbing for the hot water heater. He replaced some pipe to repair a leaking issue we were having with the hot water heater and it's hook up to the RV. It was just another day at the farm!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Driving To Tennessee
My drive to Tennessee was going great until I hit Columbia, SC where all of a sudden traffic on I-26 West came to a complete holt. After moving at a steady 3-4 miles per hour I finally passed under a DOT sign that was flashing "incident ahead, all lanes blocked at mile marker 111". Oh yay! So I decided to get off the highway just before mile marker 111 and after looking at alternative routes I decided it would be less time sitting in traffic then going around and taking an extra three hours to get home. Well taking the ramp and then getting back on worked to my advantage because the shoulder was opened to traffic and it was my lane that started it. After a 40 minute delay I was on the open road again. I got home around 6:00 and it feels good to be home. I had a great time in the Orange Park area and I am looking to return back down there in two weeks!
Monday, December 7, 2015
The Messiah and Christmas Lights Too!
I have sung the Messiah several times through out the years. In high school and college chorus's, in Church but yesterday was my very first community sings Messiah. Each year the Messiah sings is a local Orange Park/Jacksonville event where people gather and sing the Christmas portion of the Messiah. There are soloists and is accompanied by Organ and piano. The conductor for the past few years has been Dr Mark Stallings. I finally had the opportunity to participate and I am glad I did. Over 70 singers came together to sing the Messiah and the audience seemed to enjoy it. It was a challenging but wonderful experience.
Before the Messiah Sings I went to Church and then lunch with friends. Thank Debbie for staying a little longer so we could have lunch. After the Messiah I headed over to see Jenny, Nate and Rory, there are four house up their street that looks like they are having Christmas lights war so we had to check it out. The houses were beautifully decorated with lots of lights and Rory loved them! My pictures did not come out the way I wanted but the lights are still beautiful!
Today I head back to Tennessee for a couple of weeks but then Tim and I will head back down for Christmas. It was so good to be with my family and friends and I thank you all. A big Thank You goes to Sharon and Richard for allowing me to stay with them. Sharon and I had some great late night talks and I had the chance to meet Richard's Mom Maxine. Check out Travels With Tuth later this week for Maxine. Thank you all again! Here I come Tennessee!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
It Was A Good Birthday
I had a wonderful Birthday yesterday and I want to say Thank You to all who made it so special. It started out great with Birthday wishes on Facebook, text, email and phone calls and all were great but I have to say the best greeting was from Rory when she saw me first thing in the morning and came running to me. Oh what a wonderful feeling that was! Of course greetings from my kids were just as special! Jenny and I spent the day at Jingle Jam, her first craft show for her Salted jewelry, and all I can say is that I am one proud mama! Jenny's set up was very professional and even though we had to fight the wind and the coolness outside it was still a good day. Jenny did not do as well as she wanted but she did make a small profit and promoted herself and her jewelry. She had a lot of interested lookers and most took her card especially since she does custom orders. Jenny I know it wasn't what you expected but I am very proud of you and enjoyed spending the day with you!
After Jingle Jam, which was a well run event, we met up with Nate, Rory, Carrie & Daniel at La Nop for my birthday dinner. We had a great time and it was good to be with my kids! We missed Tim and wish he was with us but next year we can celebrate together. This year is the first time Tim and I have ever celebrated our birthdays apart. Once again, Thank You all for making my Birthday so special!
After Jingle Jam, which was a well run event, we met up with Nate, Rory, Carrie & Daniel at La Nop for my birthday dinner. We had a great time and it was good to be with my kids! We missed Tim and wish he was with us but next year we can celebrate together. This year is the first time Tim and I have ever celebrated our birthdays apart. Once again, Thank You all for making my Birthday so special!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
I Think We Are Ready
Today is the Jingle Jam on Fleming Island, FL hosted by Watson Reality. It runs from 10:00 to 3:00 and we are hoping it will be a success. Jenny has been preparing for this craft show for a while and we are hoping it will be profitable. She has planned everything and I think she is ready to go. Even her packaging is amazing. Way to go Jen!
I had a wonderful lunch with three of my favorite ladies Debbie, Sharon and Jean. If you follow my blog you know who they are. We got together yesterday at our favorite lunch spot, Panera, and got all caught up. We were last all together in August. The three ladies are so loving and caring and I am very fortunate to have them as friends. Thanks Debbie, Sharon and Jean.
Check back tomorrow and see how Jingle Jam goes!
I had a wonderful lunch with three of my favorite ladies Debbie, Sharon and Jean. If you follow my blog you know who they are. We got together yesterday at our favorite lunch spot, Panera, and got all caught up. We were last all together in August. The three ladies are so loving and caring and I am very fortunate to have them as friends. Thanks Debbie, Sharon and Jean.
Check back tomorrow and see how Jingle Jam goes!
Friday, December 4, 2015
Play Day With Rory
This Saturday, tomorrow, is Jenny's first Craft Show. It is the Jingle Jam on Fleming Island at Watson Reality. It runs 10:00 to 3:00 and should be a lot of fun. Even Santa will be there. If you are in the Jacksonville,/Orange Park area come by and say Hi! One of the ways to help Jenny get ready is to help with Rory. Yesterday I had a great time playing with Rory. We played in her room with her toys and then we went outside and that is when the real fun began. She rode her tricycle up and down the driveway, the driveway is longer than a football field, and she loved it. She rides her trike really well and has no problems maneuvering it. Then we played the "sit down Grandma" game. Now Rory being little could sit down anywhere and so when she started the game it began on a bench moved to a stoop and eventually went to landscaping bricks then the ground. For Rory it was a breeze but for me it was getting tougher the lower she would go. It's not that I couldn't do it but it was the amount of time. I would literally just sit down and she would get up and move to another place. Later in the day we took Rory to the park and that was fun. She loved the swings and climbing around on the playground equipment but her biggest thrill was the slide. I think it was the first time she could actually go down by herself and her face was priceless and full of huge smiles. Jenny and I took turns at the top and bottom of the slide and Rory loved it. Playing with Rory was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again today!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Decorating The Tree With Rory
I have decorated several Christmas trees through out the years and I have so many wonderful memories decorating with my girls but last night I got to hang some ornaments with Rory and it was great! The tree that Jenny and Nate put up is a beautiful tree that sits on a stand that rotates the tree. I love it and this way all the ornaments on the tree can be seen. Of course this also means everyone can see it the tree has some decorating flaws. Rory was so cute and so gentle with the ornaments and while putting them on the tree she looked and found the perfect spot. I am sure it is just a coincidence that all the ornaments hung by Rory were at her eye level! Another precious memory was made at Christmas and with my Rory!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Hello Florida!
Hello Florida, it's good to be back! Last time I was down here in the Jacksonville/Orange Park area was in August for a friends wedding. This time I am back to help my daughter Jenny with her first craft show. We will be working the rest of this week getting ready and then Saturday is the big day.
Lisa and I drove down yesterday and we are happy to report that it was an uneventful drive. We could tell once we were back in Florida because the fast lanes any place else are just that fast. Here in Florida the fast lanes are the lanes to drive in and the slow lanes become the passing lanes. I got to see Rory, briefly but I still got to see her and she knew me too! Oh how I love that little girl! I am staying with my friends, Richard and Sharon. They own a condo on the river. What a wonderful place to be and the view is wonderful! Ah Florida, it's great to be back!
Lisa and I drove down yesterday and we are happy to report that it was an uneventful drive. We could tell once we were back in Florida because the fast lanes any place else are just that fast. Here in Florida the fast lanes are the lanes to drive in and the slow lanes become the passing lanes. I got to see Rory, briefly but I still got to see her and she knew me too! Oh how I love that little girl! I am staying with my friends, Richard and Sharon. They own a condo on the river. What a wonderful place to be and the view is wonderful! Ah Florida, it's great to be back!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
An Early Surprise Birthday Lunch
I had a nice surprise yesterday. I thought we were just going to a late lunch early dinner (linner) at Ruby Tuesday with Tim, George and Lisa but when we got there I had a nice surprise to see Larry and Linda waiting for us. They were all there to celebrate my birthday early. I will be in Jacksonville for my birthday so Lisa planned this little outing to celebrate before I go. It was a wonderful surprise. Thank you Lisa for planning it; what a wonderful surprise. After Linner we came back to the farm where Lisa made me a birthday cake, yellow cake with Chocolate frosting- my favorite, and I even got some presents. Lisa and George gave me a beautiful Nutcracker carved out of wood and mounted; Lisa knew I liked nutcrackers. What made the gift even more special is that is was made by our neighbor Cheryl. She does beautiful woodwork. So it was a nice day and a great celebration. Thanks to all and an extra thank you to Lisa.
Today Lisa and I are headed south to Jacksonville where I will be spending a week and Lisa is spending three weeks. I am looking forward to seeing my kids, Carrie, Jenny, Nate and Rory and Daniel. I am also looking forward to seeing my friends. Here we come Florida!
Today Lisa and I are headed south to Jacksonville where I will be spending a week and Lisa is spending three weeks. I am looking forward to seeing my kids, Carrie, Jenny, Nate and Rory and Daniel. I am also looking forward to seeing my friends. Here we come Florida!
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